ESL Guide to American Business English
- Abstract Zielsprache: This is an excellent reference for tips on writing business letters of all kinds (requests, replies, rejection, recommendation, complaints or collection). It also has a specialized guide to writing resumes and letter of application. Other topics discussed are "business language", writing email, taking minutes, and summarizing. The last section of the book includes langauge exercises and grammar review.
- Autoren: Geffner, Andrea B.
- Verlag: Barron's
- Erscheinungsjahr: 1998
- Zielsprache: Englisch
- Medien: Arbeitsbuch
- Standort: Lehrerbibliothek
- ISBN: 0-7641-0594-9 [99/159]
- Seitenzahl: 338
- Sys. Sprachkurs: Nein
- Lösungen: Nein