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Revision Module [B2/C1] (4 contact hours per week)

Interpreting and producing texts in academia

  • Students who have obtained the DSH 1 qualification from Freie Universität Berlin and have already completed an Advanced Module but have not yet obtained the DSH 2 qualification and are enrolled on a temporary basis for a maximum of two semesters
  • Exchange students
  • Students in English-language degree programs
  • Students in German-language degree programs who are fully enrolled and who have not obtained a DSH qualification from Freie Universität Berlin
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Researchers and employees

Students who have obtained the DSH 1 qualification from Freie Universität Berlin and have completed an Advanced Module:

Exchange students, students in English-language degree programs, students in German-language degree programs who are fully enrolled and who have not obtained a DSH qualification from Freie Universität Berlin, doctoral candidates, researchers, employees:

  • Application to register for a course submitted in good time using the online form on our website
  • Completion of Language Center placement test or grade from language course previously attended at Freie Universität

5 credit points

Students who have obtained the DSH 1 qualification from Freie Universität Berlin and have already completed an Advanced Module but have not yet obtained the DSH 2 qualification:

  • Regular attendance (85%)
  • Active participation in the course (i.e., completion of an eight-page portfolio of written texts/homework, featuring a first draft and an edited version of each – as well as an analysis of the errors made)
  • Successfully pass the DSH examination to level DSH 2 or DSH 3

Exception: Students who previously fulfilled the requirements of regular attendance and active participation in the Advanced Module will receive 10 credit points for the Advanced Module after successfully passing the DSH examination to achieve level DSH 2 or DSH 3. They will not receive any credits for the Revision Module.


5 credit points / ECTS

Exchange students, students in English-language degree programs, students in German-language degree programs who are fully enrolled and who have not obtained a DSH qualification from Freie Universität Berlin, doctoral candidates, researchers, employees:

  • Regular attendance (85%)
  • Active participation in the course (actively taking part and completing written assignments)
  • Students are expected to complete eight pages’ worth of written texts/homework over the duration of the course, featuring a first draft and an edited version of each – as well as an analysis of the errors made


Bachelor students can complete the course as part of the “ABV” (General Professional Skills) section of their studies (foreign language skills).

General Focus:

Deal with and acquire knowledge of forms of communication relevant to university studies; make use of persuasive texts based on factual arguments to practice strategies for gaining and developing an understanding of written material

  • Interpret and produce argumentative factual texts of a generally academic nature
  • Apply techniques for planning and writing structured texts, as well as (self-)correct them in a targeted manner
  • Deepen knowledge of complex grammatical structures
  • Systematically build up a vocabulary of abstract, academically relevant terms

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, students will fulfill the advanced proficiency requirements of level C1.1 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) in German. The focus is on

  • developing writing skills that enable students to participate effectively in academic life and to use the language effectively in their studies
  • deepening and improving reading skills that enable them to understand more complex factual texts in relative detail
  • deepening and expanding upon structural knowledge in a practical manner

Students will have the following

linguistic skills:

  • The ability to break down complex information from a variety of sources in a targeted manner
  • The ability to present information, weigh and assess arguments, and convey points of view

strategic skills:

  • The ability to effectively and constructively communicate information, explanations, and points of view

intercultural skills:

  • The cultural sensitivity to effectively and constructively communicate information, explanations, and points of view and to question possible differences regarding how they are received

Course Topics:

Famous Freie Universität Berlin figures – the limitations of growth – civic engagement – creativity – self-optimization – the psychology of giving – public holidays – the future of living – global insect decline – mobility in the future – unconditional basic income