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Course content

General Focus:

  • Expansion upon and reinforcement of basic grammatical structures
  • Systematic work on expanding vocabulary
  • Improving listening and reading comprehension skills
  • Exercises to practice oral and written expression
  • Introduction to different forms of independent learning and working
  • Work on cultural topics and aspects of intercultural knowledge

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, students are able to

  • understand the main statements and arguments of short, authentic written and spoken texts, including some detailed information, when the subject area is familiar and standard German is used;
  • ake part in routine formal discussions, the purpose of which is to exchange information or discuss potential solutions to practical problems;
  • express and explain personal views and opinions;
  • prepare and carry out a short presentation on one of the topics discussed in the course and respond to questions;
  • paraphrase short text passages orally or in writing and compose simple, coherent texts on familiar topics within their own fields of interest;
  • put listening and reading strategies into practice and utilize appropriate resources (dictionaries, grammar knowledge).

Course Topics:

Studying in Berlin; life in Berlin; selected aspects of German history after 1945; nationality and belonging: multicultural societies