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Course content

General Focus:

  • Expansion upon and reinforcement of basic grammatical structures
  • Systematic work on building vocabulary
  • Improving listening and reading comprehension skills
  • Exercises to practice oral and written expression
  • Introduction to different forms of independent learning and working
  • Reflection on experiences in Germany, Berlin, and at the university

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, students are able to

  • understand the main message of factual texts that have been adapted for the classroom, as well as of short texts taken from real-world contexts, and understand the line of reasoning throughout;
  • understand the main points of a text containing familiar subject matter when it is spoken in a clearly articulated manner;
  • take part in routine formal discussions on familiar topics, the purpose of which is to exchange information or discuss potential solutions to practical problems, provided clear, standard German is used; express, explain, and ask for personal views and opinions;
  • paraphrase short text passages orally or in writing by using the wording and structure of the original text and compose simple, coherent texts on familiar topics within their own fields of interest;
  • put listening and reading strategies into practice and utilize appropriate resources (online dictionaries, translation programs).

Course Topics:

Living and studying in Berlin; learning strategies and study backgrounds; living situation; travel experiences; developments in the world of work; personal happiness and future plans