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A1 [A1.1+A1.2] (8 contact hours per week)

This course is primarily aimed at exchange students (Erasmus+, direct exchange). Where spaces are available, the course may also be attended by doctoral candidates and regular students in master’s degree programs that are taught in English.

  • Application to register for a course submitted in good time using the online form on our website
  • Completion of Language Center placement test or grade from language course previously attended at Freie Universität


  • Regular and active participation
  • Completion of coursework (homework, grammar tests, writing short texts)
  • Successful completion of final exam (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing skills, grammatical structures, oral exam)

General Focus:

  • Introduction to basic grammatical structures
  • Consistently developing a basic vocabulary
  • Practice listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in concrete, everyday situations
  • Simple exercises to practice oral and written expression
  • Introduction to different forms of independent learning and working
  • Discussing and reflecting upon cultural differences in everyday situations in Germany, Berlin, and at the university 

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, students are able to

  • locate specific, predictable information in simple, everyday texts, as well as read short texts and reproduce key words, turns of phrase, and short sentences;
  • grasp the content of very simple informational texts on familiar topics, particularly when these contain many international words and/or visual context clues;
  • understand individual words and very simple sentences in clearly written, everyday texts concerning the specific areas and necessities of everyday life;
  • understand individual statements in clearly spoken texts on familiar topics, provided these contain international words and pauses to allow for comprehension;
  • use simple words, everyday expressions, and very simple structures in familiar situations, and are able to respond to simple questions;
  • establish simple communication when they converse with someone who speaks slowly and clearly and who is willing to help them;
  • provide or request personal information in writing through short texts (e.g., notes, messages, and forms);
  • use structural elements to provide or request personal information and information pertaining to specific situations in writing.

Course Topics:

Personal information; living situation; institutions; transportation; travel; health; weather; holidays