What is the tandem certificate?
A tandem certificate is a written confirmation of your work as tandem partners.
In order to receive a tandem certificate, you have to sign a learning contract with your tandem partner at the Sprachlernberatung at the beginning of your tandem partnership. This contract includes keeping a learning journal throughout your tandem partnership. At the end (timeframe is determined by you and your tandem partner in your contract) you write or record a short report, and discuss it in a final evaluation at the Language learning advising service. At the end you will receive a tandem certificate.
The tandem certificate does not award credits points. It is rather a tool to help you structure your language exchange, keep up your motivation and have a record of your learning process. If you are an exchange student at the Freie Universität, it may be recognised by your home university. For any queries about accreditation, please contact our Language learning advising service at giovanna.tassinari@fu-berlin.de.