Learning to learn
Build up your learning skills! In this section you will find some suggestions, tips and questionnaires.
Autonomous learners can manage their own learning process. What does it involve?
Autonomous learners
- analyse their learning needs;
- formulate their own learning goals;
- plan their learning;
- adopt working methods and strategies consciously;
- know their own strengths and weaknesses;
- select appropriate materials according to their needs;
- decide whether they want to work alone, with a partner or in a small group;
- evaluate their learning progress and process.
The main steps of this learning process are planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating. All these processes are closely interconnected, as shown in the diagram. At the end of the learning cycle, after the first goals have been achieved, you start all over again.
Here is the first learning tip:
- 10 steps to learn a foreign language (PDF) (in German)
The learning tips on our website were developed by Maria Giovanna Tassinari and the SLZ team.
For questions and comments, please write to giovanna.tassinari@fu-berlin.de